A warm victory


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Monday 06-06-2021 Glostrup (GCC) vs Taastrup Division Match Highlights:Sammi = 50 runsAwais = 7overs-24runs-4wicketsAJ = 7over-35runs-2wickets Weather conditions were beautiful, very hot and sunny with a clear blue sky. GCC caught momentum from the beginning, and kept it going through … Læs resten

Nederlag til GCC 2 mod Hvidovre i T20


Monday 24-05-2021 – Glostrup vs Hvidovre T20 Match Highlights:Khurram = 27 runsAJ = 4overs-21runs-3wicket Weather conditions were beautiful and sunny with a clear blue sky. Glostrup played a mediocre innings and never got a proper momentum going. Hvidovre won the … Læs resten

Glostrup 2 vinder i Holbæk


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Sunday 23-05-2021 – Glostrup vs Nordvest Division Match Highlights: Fraz = 54 runsAJ = 42 runsSheraz = 7overs-2maidens-3wickets-19runsArsalan = 2overs-3wickets-3runs Weather conditions were grey, cloudy and very windy. Nevertheless, Glostrup played a very good match and managed to capitalize on … Læs resten